
  • A.V. Podhorodetskyi
  • A.Y. Shvachka


PID - controller, tuning, quality of regulation, integral quadratic estimation, transient response.


Based on the theoretical analysis and experimental studies, a non - reference method for tuning the PID regulator by inertial objects of the mining and metallurgical complex with delay is defined. Regulator settings are obtained depending on the channel of disturbance input with the use of a suboptimal regulator for a minimum of the integral quadratic quality index, and also recommendations for tuning the non-wasting calculation model are justified. The necessary requirements for the operation of the automatic controller have been analyzed and the choice of the only controller settings with the PID regulation law is justified taking into account the requirements for increasing the speed and quality indicators of the automatic control system.


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How to Cite

Podhorodetskyi, A., & Shvachka, A. (2023). PID CONTROLLER SETUP INERTIAL OBJECTS OF MINING AND METALLURGICAL COMPLEX. Electrical and Information Systems, (99), 65–70. Retrieved from