smart grid, power grid, automatic control of electricity distribution between consumersAbstract
The goal is to analyze requests from enterprises for the purchase of power available in the power grid, and to determine the most optimal combination of electricity buyers according to certain criteria. Method. Simulation modeling, optimization, as well as probability theory and mathematical statistics methods were used to create a simulation model of the system of automatic control of power distribution in the power grid and to study it. The results. The paper created a simulation model of the system, which is based on experimental diagrams of power generated by power plants and consumed by a dormitory and a residential building. Variation in the properties of electricity producers and consumers is provided through the introduction of a random component of power with different characteristics, the random nature of the change in the cost of electricity generated by consumers, as well as a different time shift. The analysis of the power distribution process for a small number of consumers was performed using an empirical algorithm, when the distribution process is divided into two stages. Weighting factors are introduced for the flexibility of the algorithm. The study of the system of automatic control of power distribution in the power grid showed the imperfection of the proposed algorithm in terms of a significant amount of excess electricity due to optimization by integer variables, the number of which is small. To solve this shortcoming, a capacity reserve was introduced during its distribution among ordinary consumers, and a study of the dependence of the unrealized and excess amount of electricity, as well as profit, on this reserve was carried out. The study showed that for the considered conditions there is a range of power reserve values from 5 to 10%, where this parameter is close to the optimal one according to the criterion of maximum profit. Practical significance. The proposed solutions can be used in the construction of energy systems according to the concept of “smart networks”, which will allow electric power companies to reduce the demand for electricity during periods of peak loads. This approach allows you to abandon “hot” reserves and reduces the need for significant long-term investments in additional generating capacity, as well as reduces the overall need for other investments.
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