


grinding, tumbling mill, energy efficiency


This article presents a comprehensive analysis of the latest solutions used in tumbling mills, focusing on the need to increase energy efficiency, optimize and improve grinding processes in the mining industry. The main subject of this study is the analysis of innovative methodologies aimed at improving the productivity of mineral processing. The review covers a critical analysis of recent literature that explains the impact of grinding media geometry on the performance of tumbling ball mills. It emphasizes the importance of particle shape and size distribution in influencing the grinding process dynamics. In addition, the article discusses advances in modeling techniques, in particular the use of discrete element methods (DEMs), which facilitate the modeling of complex interactions in the grinding media, providing valuable information about the dynamics of tumbling mills, allowing to determine the optimal conditions for energy consumption and material processing. Also, the subject of this study is the study of advanced control systems and regulators that are designed to optimize operating parameters and improve the overall efficiency of the milling process. The results of this study emphasize the need to optimize grinding mechanisms to reduce energy consumption and increase the productivity of mineral processing operations. By addressing the issues related to energy consumption and operational efficiency, this study contributes to the current discourse on sustainability practices in the mining industry. The insights gained from this study are poised to inform the development of more efficient mineral grinding technologies, thus highlighting gaps and possible areas for further research in the area of tumbling mill modernization. This work is a fundamental reference for future research aimed at developing the mineral processing industry and improving the efficiency of grinding systems.


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How to Cite

Balaniuk, A. (2024). STUDY OF THE TRENDS AND PROSPECTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF TUMBLING MILLS. Electrical and Information Systems, (106), 20–26.

