


electric power industry, renewable energy sources, power plant, electricity supply, alternative energy, load, manoeuvrability


The IPS operation mode is determined based on the balance of production and consumption, maintenance of grid and generating equipment, the ability to eliminate emergencies in the generating equipment of a power plant and outages of main power transmission lines. In order to prevent disruption of the IPS of Ukraine or its individual links due to certain factors, Ukrenergo took the necessary measures to limit electricity consumption and power, as well as applied special schedules and emergency systems to reduce power. Electricity load charts are used to analyse electricity consumption, plan power generation, identify peak loads, assess energy efficiency and other purposes. They can be useful for building energy profiles, solving energy efficiency problems, and optimising power supply systems. The purpose of the study is to justify the amount of shunting generation that could provide the necessary reserves and effectively compensate for the sharp increase in electricity consumption in the evening. Methodology – calculation based on the analysis of electrical load graphs, taking into account the actual performance of the integrated power system of Ukraine. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the implementation and justification of the use of hydrogen energy storage for balancing the capacities of the Ukrainian power system. The paper establishes that Ukraine’s power system needs large-scale power balancing, in which hydrogen energy can play a key role in the sustainable development of the entire energy sector. To improve the efficiency and stability of the energy sector, a strategic reconfiguration of electricity load schedules should be actively implemented. This involves the use of storage capacities, which will help to reduce the cost of electricity for end users. An analysis of the daily electricity load schedules in Ukraine’s power system has shown that the country is already facing a shortageo f storage capacity of about 1 GW.


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How to Cite

Bobrov, O., & Yaroshenko, Y. (2024). ANALYSIS OF ELECTRICAL LOAD SCHEDULES OF UPS OF UKRAINE. Electrical and Information Systems, (106), 27–34.

