incandescent lamp, LED lamp, comparison, solar panels, lux meter, luminous flux, illuminationAbstract
It is generally accepted that LED lamps have significant advantages over incandescent lamps. Most lamp comparison studies are performed based on the calculation of the economic component, which is a rather important factor while choosing a product. However, each product has technical specifications. During the comparison, the technical characteristics are mostly taken from the product passports, but it is also important to research and compare devices using modern technologies. A study of lamp performance with the help of measuring devices and a solar installation used to confirm the validity of the experiment is the method presented in this article. A method that can be used in other studies as well is сomparing performance with the same lamp parameter – luminous flux. In the course of the study, summarizing the results, we came to a conclusion that confirms the generally accepted concepts – LED lighting lamps exceed their performance by several times, while consuming several times less current from the mains. As a measuring device were used a luxmeter and solar panels, and the voltage generated by the panels were used as confirmation. The panels were single-crystal, and the luxmeter was analog. All measured data are listed in the tables. The tabular method of comparison and correlation provides a quick visual perception for analysis. In the future, the experiment can be developed by using other types of lamps and comparing other types of characteristics. For example, fluorescent lamps of various designs have their own characteristics, which can also be investigated and, using this method, come to conclusions about performance and choose the most efficient type. The study of the parameters of the elements allows you to understand better their effectiveness and confirm the correct choice, which does not contradict the choice based on the economic effect.
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