



electrophysical processing methods, physico-chemical indicators, shelf life, microbiological indicators


The relevance of the problem is determined by the need to ensure high quality and safety of food products during their storage period, which is especially important for food products without the addition of preservatives. Nowadays, there is a need to use non-thermal processing methods that preserve the nutritional value and extend the shelf life of products, and to ensure hardware implementation of the process. These problems can be solved by making technological decisions at the stage of manufacturing products using electrophysical methods, which have a positive effect on their microbiological, physico-chemical indicators with the preservation of nutritional and biological value, and the extension of their shelf life. The article is devoted to a literature review of the impact of electrophysical processing methods on food products and their hardware support. The reviewed studies in this field demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed processing methods in the deactivation of microorganisms in liquid media. Examples of experimental installations and the results of applying electrophysical methods of processing potatoes, mutton, chicory and dairy products were given, while maintaining quality indicators of these groups of products and ensuring their shelf life. It was established that the proposed type of processing demonstrated high efficiency in decontamination of microorganisms and preservation of the biological value of products, in particular milk, meat and vegetables. It was proved that such processing methods can be effective, ensuring a minimal change in their properties. This creates new opportunities for the introduction of energy-efficient technologies in the food industry.


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How to Cite

Svyatnenko, R., Marynin, A., Bandura, U., & Bortnichuk, O. (2024). ELECTROPHYSICAL METHODS OF FOOD PROCESSING AND THEIR HARDWARE SUPPORT. Electrical and Information Systems, (106), 75–79. https://doi.org/10.32782/EIS/2024-106-13

