
Title of the publication: Electrical and Information Systems.

Founder of the publication: Dnipro University of Technology.

Year of foundation: 1965.

Registration of Print media entity: Decision of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine: Decision No. 865 as of 21.03.2024.

The journal was published under the title "Mining Electromechanics and Automation". From 2023 (No. 104), the collection is published with a new title "Electrotechnical and information systems".

ISSN 2786-9059 (Online)

ISSN 2786-9040 (Print)

Periodicity: 2 times a year.

Language of publication: Ukrainian, English.

Branch of science: information technologies; power engineering; electrical engineering, automation, and electronic communications; civil security.

Specialities: 124 – System Analysis, 126 – Information Systems and Technologies, 141 – Electric Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics, 174 – Automation, Computer-Integrated Technologies and Robotics, 263 – Civil Security.

Based on the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 920 as of 26.06.2024 (Annex 6), the journal is included in the List of scientific professional publications of category "B" (141 – Electric Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics, 263 – Civil Security).

Policy of the scientific publication: the journal is a professional scientific and peer-reviewed publication. "Electrical and Information Systems" publishes manuscripts on the following subject areas: electric power, electrical engineering and electromechanics, automation, computer-integrated technologies and robotics, information systems, occupational safety and civil security, scientific and industrial advertising.

UDC 004; 621.3