source of law, customary law, normative legal act, codification, normative legal agreement, international legal agreement.Abstract
The purpose of the scientific article is to analyze two classifications of sources of law: legal and historical, to identify their interaction and correlation in Ukraine in the selected period. This will contribute to a better understanding of the patterns of development of sources of law in Ukraine through a clear understanding of the affiliation of historical forms to modern ones. The research methodology is based on the use of the dialectical method, methods of analysis and synthesis, as well as methods of historicism, systemic, comparative and problem-categorical. Scientific novelty: the opinion is substantiated that at classification of sources of law it is necessary to allocate not only formal and legal, but also sources of content and knowledge of law. The influence of the factor of entering the territory of Ukraine into different states with different legal traditions on the formation of sources of law is analyzed. The sources of law that operated on the territory of Ukraine from the XVI to XVIII centuries are described, namely: customary law, Lithuanian Statutes, Magdeburg law, contractual articles of hetmans with the tsarist government, acts of hetman power, acts of the Military Chancellery, legislative acts of tsarist power. Their belonging to the legal sources of law accepted in the legal theory is investigated. It is concluded that most of these sources, as official acts of the competent authorities, can be attributed to such types of legal sources of law as regulations. Also, in the contract articles and collections of Magdeburg law can be traced features of legal agreements or international legal agreements in the first case. Judicial precedents as a source of law have not gained independent significance, although jurisprudence has been mentioned in the collections of Magdeburg law and used in the creation of codification collections of the XVIII century, which were not officially approved and can be attributed to sources of knowledge of law or historical legal remembrance.
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