


public authorities of cities, local self-government bodies, elections, electoral process, electoral system.


The purpose of the article is to clarify the methods of formation of public authorities of cities in Ukraine and the countries of the European Union, in order to find ways to improve them. In order to achieve it, the following tasks were formed: to characterize the system of public authorities of the cities of Ukraine; to analyze the methods of their formation; to study the approaches of a number of European Union countries to the methods of formation of public authorities of cities. The methodological basis of the work is based on the use of the principle of pluralism in the choice of methodological approaches, methods and techniques, it consists of philosophical (general-scientific) methods and special-legal ones, the main one is the comparative-legal method, which allows to achieve the set goal. The scientific novelty of the study is determined by the fact that the question of choosing a more optimal electoral system when forming representative bodies is a measure of democracy in society. The basis of this choice should be an analysis of the effectiveness of the functioning of the relevant bodies, effective provision of representation and protection of the interests of the territorial community. Based on the results of the research, a complex of conclusions is substantiated, but the fact that most capital cities of the EU countries are divided into districts, and accordingly the public authorities of the city are formed city-wide and district, respectively, an example of this approach is Vienna, Brussels, Bratislava, Budapest, Warsaw, Madrid, Tallinn, Paris, Berlin. Capital cities where only city-wide management bodies function and there is no internal administrative division are the city of Helsinki and Sofia. Regarding the formation of city councils, in cities with a larger population, a proportional electoral system is used, and in a smaller one, a majoritarian system, in turn, in relation to the mayor, in cities with a larger population, an absolute majority majoritarian system is used. We defend the position that, regardless of the size of the population, a majoritarian electoral system should be used in local elections, since the activities of political parties are more focused on political struggle, and participation in local elections is considered an intermediate stage before parliamentary elections, and local interests, needs of the territorial community are not implemented properly.


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