legal regulation, prior higher education, education, science, legal support, persons with disabilitiesAbstract
The purpose of the research is the specifics of ensuring the right to vocational higher education for persons with disabilities: the administrative and legal aspect in foreign countries, in particular the experience of three European countries that entered the top ten according to the results of the international study PISA-2018: Estonia, Finland and Poland.. Main content. It considers the experience of building an education management system on a democratic basis, in cooperation between government bodies and society. It is determined that education in the studied countries is one of the priorities of the state and society. Methodology: The methodological basis of the research consists of comparative legal and system analyses, a formal legal method, interpretation method, hermeneutical method and methods of analysis and synthesis. Conclusions. Similar approaches to administration and financing were identified. A trend characteristic of all countries is clarified: the state guarantees free education, including science, and ensures equal access to quality education and science. Mechanisms for financing education, science, and the main sources of funding inherent to each country were defined. Thus, the experience of the European Union countries, which were included in the top 10 best countries according to the PISA-2108 international survey showing the best performance (Estonia, Poland, Finland) for the administration of education and science based on such indicators as management, financing, public involvement in the process of managing education and science, was analyzed. This approach made it possible to identify the main approaches to the administration of education and science at the local level that can be implemented in Ukraine, namely: involvement of local self-government bodies in the selection of teaching staff; financial autonomy of educational institutions; replenishment of the school budget through the provision of additional paid services; reducing education costs by attracting outsourcing companies; motivating highly qualified teachers to work in rural educational establishments; creation of a national register that would contain a comprehensive about educational institutions; maintenance by communities of underfilled educational institutions.
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