criminal justice, criminology, forensic examination, tactics, technologyAbstract
The relevance of the research topic, the results of which are presented in this article, is determined by the procedural value of the examination of objects, phenomena and processes that belong to the subject of evidence in criminal proceedings. The purpose of the study was to resolve the conceptual issue regarding the inherent nature of the court-ordered examination of certain tactics and technology as a necessary prerequisite for the development of means of forensic support for the relevant direction of procedural activity. The methodological basis of the research is the dialectical approach. Methods of formal logic (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, abstraction, etc.) were used in the processing of scientific sources and definition of the concepts of the studied phenomena. The article deals with the tactical and technological aspects of examination during the trial of criminal cases. Definitions of relevant concepts are provided in the conclusions. The tactics of forensic examination are considered by the author as a system of theoretical provisions developed by criminology and practical recommendations for the most effective use of the expert's special knowledge in order to establish circumstances that are important for criminal proceedings. The technology of examination is a complex of interrelated sequential procedural and tactical-organizational measures for preparation, assignment of examination and conducting expert research, study, verification, assessment and use of expert opinion in court evidence. The essence of the relationship between these inextricably linked concepts is best revealed in the practical plane, when the technology is understood as a formalized, specifically defined procedure for using the special knowledge of a forensic expert, and the assessment of the forensic situation, the selection of adequate means of tactical influence on its deployment and their skillful application – as a meaningful aspect of forensic examination tactics, a creative aspect of the activity of its subjects. In the future plans of the author, the preparation and presentation of the tactical and technological characteristics of individual stages of the court-ordered examination.
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