uniform, rules, appearance, tattoos, bio modification, police activity efficiency, liberalization.Abstract
The course for European integration led to the need to transform the national model of public administration. One of the successful reforms where the human -centrist approach was implemented was the law enforcement system reform, in particular, the establishment of the National Police of Ukraine in 2015. The standards of police activity provide not only a certain level of professional justice and strict compliance with the requirements of the legislation in the fulfillment of tasks assigned to the police. This is largely due to the internal organizational aspect of such activity – official discipline and preparation, compliance with the rules of wearing a one -way police, their proper appearance. The purpose of the article is to reveal the problematic issues of administrative and legal regulation of requirements for the appearance of police in Ukraine. The achievement of this goal will be facilitated by the comprehensive use of methods and techniques of scientific knowledge that is based on dialectical, inductive and comparative methods. Scientific novelty. The article deals and proposes changes to the rules of wearing a police officer’s uniform, approved by the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine dated 19.08.2017 No. 718. As a conclusion, the article emphasizes that the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine is advisable to take a more loyal position on tattoos and bio modification of police, in particular, piercing. The relevant features do not in any way interfere with the performance of police officials and do not affect the effectiveness of police interaction with the public. It is substantiated that a direct ban on the presence of tattoos in police, defined in the rules, is a step in the past, while international practice is followed by liberalization of police tattoos. The proposed changes and additions to Section 2 of Section II "Features of wearing a police officer’s uniform items" rules for wearing a police officer’s uniform.
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