legal status of a judge, status of a judge, pension, social guarantees, lifelong financial support.Abstract
The socio-economic policy of the state provides for reliable social protection of the population and adequate pension provision, which is one of the main indicators of public welfare. Effective functioning of the pension system is an important factor in social development and social transformations. The indicator of the economic and social condition of the country is the level of pension provision. Pension provision is a dominant component of social security, acting as a basic and important guarantee of stable development of society, as it covers the interests of able-bodied and disabled citizens. One of the main elements of the social function of the state is pension provision, and together with it, as a set of methods for meeting the material needs of those sections of the population who have the right to receive a pension. Pension provision is one of the main guarantees of social protection, the content of which is reduced to supporting the material well-being of citizens and their families upon retirement due to old age, disability or in case of loss of a breadwinner. According to the current legislation, certain categories of employees who are legally entitled to special pensions are singled out among pensioners, judges belong to this category, and this issue is debatable in society. In Ukraine, judges perform an exceptional social role – they directly exercise judicial power, since the judiciary in Ukraine is independent and independent from other branches of government. Accordingly, the state grants a judge a specific social and professional status, defines the legal position of judges as special officials and as special members of society. The article examines the peculiarities of the legal status of judges and the peculiarities of a judge's pension as a special subject, and examines the social guarantees of judges enshrined in the Constitution and laws of Ukraine. The types of pension benefits that the judge has the right to count on upon retirement have been considered. The views of scientists on the interpretation of the concept of "status of a judge" and "legal status of a judge" are systematized. Special attention is paid to the study of the legal status of the judge as a special subject and their social guarantees. The current status of a judge as a holder of judicial power and the status of a retired judge and the peculiarities of the position of a judge in each of these statuses were also investigated.
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