digital state, electronic resources, information, public administration bodies, e-government.Abstract
The meaning of the concept of "digital state" is investigated. Indicators of formation of the system of public relations characteristic of the digital state in Ukraine are determined. The main directions of state policy formation due to the implementation of the needs of the information society, digital production and e-government in Ukraine are highlighted. The current state of legal regulation of the processes of formation of digital infrastructure of Ukraine and prospects for its improvement in accordance with international norms are determined. It is proved that the main purpose of state electronic information resources is to meet the information needs of public administration bodies. The general principles of legal regulation of formation, operation, modernization, liquidation of state electronic information resources are determined. The main range of state electronic information resources and public administration bodies that are their holders and users has been clarified. The aim of the article is to analyze the specifics of legal regulation of public relations in the field of electronic information resources in terms of the formation of the digital state in Ukraine. Realization of the set purpose provides the decision of a number of tasks: 1) disclosure of essence of concept "digital state"; 2) illustration of its manifestations in Ukraine; 3) research of state electronic information resources as an object of public relations. Scientific novelty. The article considers such elements of the digital state in Ukraine as: e-government, e-justice, e-health system, e-commerce, digital jobs, state e-information resources and more. In conclusion, the article emphasizes that the lack of full-fledged electronic interaction between state information resources and related problems of e-government; problems of legal regulation of functioning and use of state electronic information resources by public administration bodies; the terminological inconsistency of various normative legal acts that determine the order of functioning and use of state electronic information resources has been proved. The necessity of development and normative consolidation of general principles and principles of organization, functioning, use, storage of state electronic information resources is substantiated.
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