


administrative responsibility, cruelty, cruelty to animals, violence, animal, legal regulation, protection, morality


The scientific article is devoted to highlighting the administrative and legal bases of animal cruelty. It was established that during the years of Ukraine’s independence, many normative acts were adopted in the field of animal protection, in particular the Law of Ukraine “On Animal World” dated December 13, 2001, the Law of Ukraine “On Environmental Protection” dated September 21, 2004, the Law of Ukraine “On Hunting and Hunting” dated February 22, 2000, Law of Ukraine “On Veterinary Medicine” dated June 25, 1992, Law of Ukraine “On Ensuring Sanitary and Epidemic Welfare of the Population” dated February 24, 1994, Law of Ukraine “ On breeding matters in animal husbandry” dated December 15, 2003, the Law of Ukraine “On the protection of the population from infectious diseases” dated April 5, 2000. Attention is drawn to the fact that the person who keeps the pet is obliged by law to: take care of the pet, provide it with a sufficient amount of food and constant access to water; to provide an opportunity for the pet to make the necessary movements, contact with its own kind; ensure the presence of a muzzle, a leash, which are necessary for the pet to walk outside the place of its permanent keeping; ensure that the pet has a collar with identification marks; ensure timely provision of veterinary services to the pet (examination, treatment, vaccination, etc.); immediately notify a medical or veterinary institution about cases of damage to the health of a person or other animals caused by a pet; immediately deliver a pet that has committed the actions provided for in paragraph seven of this article to a veterinary institution for examination; prevent uncontrolled breeding of domestic animals, etc. A conclusion was made about a comprehensive approach to the problem of cruelty to animals, the systemic nature of norms and the mechanism of their implementation. In fact, with the adoption of the law, a new legal institution regulating the treatment of domestic animals was formed in Ukraine. This is one of the first steps on the long road to European integration, the main content of which should be not only legal and institutional components, but also changes in mentality. The adoption of the law reflects a qualitative shift in public consciousness, when the problem of protecting animals from cruel treatment moves to the category of socially significant. It was established that the Law of Ukraine “On the Protection of Animals from Cruelty” is unlikely to immediately change all the negative manifestations in the field of animal treatment, because in the administrative legislation of Ukraine there have long been norms on responsibility for animal cruelty, which are practically not applied.


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