form of a state, forms of state government, forms of state-territorial system, forms of state-legal regime.Abstract
Modern aspects of understanding the concept of the form of the state, which is a set of general features and relationships that characterize the state as a social phenomenon, are studied. It is determined that to study the state in terms of its form means to study its structure, its main components, internal structure, the main methods of exercising state power. It was found that the form of the state is determined by objective factors, including the goals and objectives of the state, ways to achieve them, functions of the state and methods of their implementation, and a number of others. It is proved that the form of the state can be considered both at the general theoretical and at the specific state level. The aim of the article is to study the form of the state at the general theoretical level as an expression of the most common features, ways of organizing and functioning of state power in society. Realization of the set aim provides solving a number of tasks: 1) revealing the essence of the concept ‘form of a state’; 2) study of structural elements, in particular the form of government, the form of government, the form and state-legal regime. Scientific novelty. The article considers the understanding of the state form, which is based on such political and legal categories as people sovereignty, democracy, separation of state power and the rule of law. In conclusion, the article emphasizes that in the modern scientific legal literature the idea of the state form as a complex complex phenomenon, which is the basis for the widespread use of a systematic approach in the study of problems and scientific prospects of this category was formed. The form of the state as a systemic phenomenon is the unity of three elements, namely the forms of government, forms of state-territorial organization and statelegal regime. It is in this context that the form of the state provides an opportunity to reveal the organization of state power, principles of its interaction with society, correlation and interaction between the state as a whole and its components, techniques and methods of exercising state power in society. The article presents different points of view and approaches to defining the concept and revealing the essence of the state form.
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