


administrative procedures, contract, registration proceedings, public procurement, public finance, state development strategy, financial control.


The purpose of the article is the implementation of the characteristics of administrative procedures in the field of public procurement. It was found that the functioning of state authorities and local governments is impossible without ensuring the implementation of public procurement as a means of transparent and open management of public finances. It is emphasized that ensuring the rationality of the use of public funds as one of the strategic objectives of the development of Ukraine is defined in Art. V. 148-156 Chapter 8 "Public Procurement" "Trade and Trade-Related Issues" of the Association Agreement with the European Union requiring the adaptation of public procurement. It has been established that the stages of public procurement are: disclosure of information on the procurement; selection of one of the following procedures: a) open auction; (b) competitive dialogue; (c) negotiated procurement procedure. At the same time, it is emphasized that within the framework of each of the above procedures there are separate proceedings (for example, from the announcement of an open tender procedure; verification of tender documents; submission of a tender proposal; disclosure, consideration and evaluation of tender proposals; decisionmaking on the intention to conclude a procurement contract) . It is concluded that the customers of goods, services and works under the public procurement procedure belong to the category of entities performing managerial functions to implement the tasks assigned to the modern state, but at the same time, the circle of such entities is obliged to act as providers of administrative services. It is determined that in the field of public procurement, such types of administrative procedures are implemented as: registration, information, interference, inspection, control and supervision, tort. providing a strategy for the use of public money.


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