


offense, crime, depravity, lewd actions, minor, person of the offender, criminological characteristics.


The article examines the criminological characteristics of the person who corrupts minors, identifies the criminological markers for distinguishing this category of sex offenders in order to increase the effectiveness of countering the corruption of minors by criminological means. The corruption of minors is a widespread crime against sexual freedom and sexual integrity of a person. According to statistical data, among the corresponding group of crimes, its fate was as follows: in 2010 – 207 (15.4%) rape out of 1,348 registered crimes, and in 2020 – 195 (26.9%) out of 725 registered crimes against sexual freedom and sexual integrity of a person. The author shares the criminological characteristics of the person of the corrupter of minors on: a) socio-demographic; b) criminal law; c) social roles and status; d) moral and psychological characteristics. The prevalence of pedophile and lewd acts is most characteristic for persons aged 41–62 years, which is due to a decrease in sexual opportunities and, accordingly, the difficulty of traditional sexual contacts. In addition, involutional changes in the central nervous system and a decrease in moral and ethical attitudes cause a certain impact. The ICD-10 and DSW-IV classification of mental disorders refers to pedophilia as a sexual disorder of sexual preference for children usually of pre-pubertal or early pubertal age. The Canadian Clark Psychiatric Institute adheres to a three-step gradation of this disorder: 1) pedophilia – sexual attraction of pre-pubescent children; 2) hebephilia – sexual attraction to teenagers (girls and boys) aged 12 to 14; 3) ephebophilia – sexual attraction to girls and boys aged 14 and over. Therefore, from the point of view of typical criminological characteristics, the person of a minor offender generally looks like an adult man, mostly 42-61 years old, with persistent deviations in relation to the age parameters of sexual partners (sexual attraction to minors), self-centered, alcoholic, family-oriented, characterized by cowardice and cowardice, with increased self-pity, who alone commits physical or mental indecent sexual acts against persons who have not reached the age of sixteen.


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