


international relations, international organizations, international law, international legal personality, subjects of international law, modern state.


The problems of international legal personality have always occupied and today occupy a prominent place in the science of international law. And this is quite natural, since international law regulates relations between subjects of international law, the circle of which, given the connection with the most important political phenomena of international life of different eras, did not remain unchanged. The meaning of international legal personality is essentially the following: 1) it is a property that subjects of international law acquire by virtue of international legal norms; 2) it is not only a legal, but also a socio-political property of the subject of international law; 3) it is based on the freedom of will of a specific socio-political entity in the international arena; 4) it expresses the legal ability of subjects of international law to independently exercise their rights and obligations and ensure their fulfillment. International legal personality acts as a necessary prerequisite for participation in international legal relations. Based on the general theory of law, the subjects of specific international legal relations exercise certain international rights and perform the corresponding duties that constitute the legal content of such legal relations. And since the bearers of rights and obligations under international law can only be its subjects, accordingly, only bearers of international legal personality can be participants (subjects) of international legal relations. The current state of international relations definitely points in favor of the trends that are gaining momentum, which consist in the expansion of the circle of carriers of international legal personality as a result of not only the coverage of new spheres of international cooperation and intrastate relations by international legal regulation, but also the increasingly confident spread of the non-regulatory influence of norms international law.


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