


inter-municipal cooperation, initiation of cooperation, local initiative.


The inter-municipal cooperationis is becoming more and more used every year, as communities in practice begin to understand the effectiveness of this tool and the ability to use it to organize the provision of better public services to their residents. An important component of inter-municipal cooperationis is compliance with all the main stages of the procedure for organizing cooperation of territorial communities. The aim of this article is to determine the main stages of initiating the inter-municipal cooperationis, a detailed analysis of the mechanism of initiation and providing suggestions for improving this procedure. Scientific novelty. The article proposes to include in the legislation the statute of the territorial community, which will clearly define the procedure for submitting a local initiative to the council, which will allow to follow all the main stages of the procedure for organizing inter-municipal cooperationis. Conclusions. The legislation of Ukraine clearly defines the successive stages of the procedure for organizing inter-municipal cooperationis and the subjects of initiating such cooperation. Unfortunately, members of the territorial community who have the opportunity to initiate inter-municipal cooperationis as a local initiative may not always exercise their right due to the fact that the issue of submitting a local initiative to the council is not always regulated by normative legal acts of local self-government. We propose in Law on local self-government to provide that the charter of the territorial community will be a mandatory document for all territorial communities, and the procedure for submitting a local initiative to the council will be clearly defined in this document.


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