corruption, organizational and legal principles, international experience, National Agency for Prevention of Corruption, anti-corruption institutions.Abstract
The article is devoted to the administrative and legal characteristics of organizational and legal aspects of the creation of special anti-corruption institutions: a comparative legal study. The authors note that the accumulation of efforts of various states to combat corruption occurs through the signing of multilateral international agreements. One of the ways to combat corruption in world practice is to create special anti-corruption institutions, whose activities are aimed at both active countermeasures and the prevention of corruption and any of its manifestations. This idea, enshrined in Art. 36 of the United Nations Convention and Art. 20 of the Criminal Law Convention on Corruption. Choosing a specific model of organization of anti-corruption bodies, the domestic legislator decided to create an extensive system of individual public authorities, delimiting their powers. The National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption occupies a central place in the system of specialized anti-corruption bodies in Ukraine. The National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption in Ukraine was established as a multi-purpose public authority to implement an integrated approach and concentrate all the main anti-corruption functions within a single institution. An analysis of international experience shows that there are a number of countries that have extensive experience in the operation of state specialized anti-corruption bodies. Such states include the Republic of Korea, Singapore, India and others. It is concluded that the study of international experience provides an opportunity to analyze and improve national legislation. In addition, blind extrapolation of international regulations should not be allowed, without taking into account the mental and historical features of the formation and development of society of a state. Ukraine now has a fairly broad system of anti-corruption institutions, a key one being the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption. However, the results of the effectiveness of this public authority are ambiguous and therefore require a review of the powers and limitation of illegal interference in its activities by the executive and the judiciary.
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