



delegated legislation, sub-delegation, general rights, parliament, government, law, powers, normative acts, Privy Council, control


The article provides an analysis of the history, emergence, and practice of the development and functioning of delegated legislation in Great Britain. The practice of delegated legislation in Great Britain is analyzed step by step and chronologically, dating back to the 16th century. The study examines delegated legislation as a form of government participation in the legislative process in Great Britain. It explores issues related to the procedure and conditions for delegating legislative powers in Great Britain. It is established that in Great Britain, the act of delegation itself did not encounter significant objections, as according to the principle of parliamentary sovereignty, the legislative body has the right to delegate its powers, including transferring them to others. It is also established that the increase in the volume of delegated legislation in Great Britain starting from the 20th century was not due to the expansion or complexity of the state's functions or the complexity of the parliamentary lawmaking process, but primarily due to the need to promptly address various tasks and problems. The article investigates the main types of delegated legislation in Great Britain and identifies and analyzes the existing forms of control over the exercise of delegated legislation, which can be carried out in parliamentary, judicial, and administrative forms. It is established that at present, most delegated legislation in Great Britain is issued by ministers who delegate their authority to issue normative acts to the heads of subordinate institutions and agencies, who, in turn, can further delegate this authority to lower levels, resulting in a multi-level sub-delegation. In conclusion, it is noted that today, delegated legislation in Great Britain has become one of the major sources of law and has encompassed virtually all areas of public life.


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