


responsibility, protection of subjective rights, the right to a safe environment, the right to access public information, legal implementation, the principle of proportionality, natural resources


The purpose of the work is to establish the content of the international level of regulatory regulation of the human right to a safe environment. It has been determined that ensuring an adequate level of implementation of the subjective human right to a safe environment involves the use of means of the national judicial system and the system of administrative bodies, the functioning of which requires the creation of an effective high-quality legislative system. It has been established that the protection of the subjective human right to a safe environment requires the creation of conditions for the appropriate level of application of legal liability measures. It is emphasized that in the conditions of the onset of a combination of these objective and subjective factors, the idea of belonging to the implementation and protection of the human right to a safe environment is achieved. It is argued that one of the international standards for ensuring the human right to a safe environment in accordance with international standards is the idea of greening production and minimizing the impact on the environment from business entities. It was determined that according to UN General Assembly Resolution No. 70/1 of September 25, 2015, the content of the implementation of the concept of sustainable development requires the state to create an organizational and legal mechanism for saving the Earth from degradation, irrational use of natural resources, environmental pollution as a result of production, which does not meet environmental requirements. It is noted that such activities will result in the creation of conditions for a prosperous life of a person in particular, and the population of the state in general (UN General Assembly Resolution No. 70/1 of September 25, 2015, 2015). It is concluded that the idea of realizing the human right to a safe environment in the context of implementing a sustainable development strategy is understood not only as the idea of greening production, but also the introduction of the concept of reasonable consumption. It is substantiated that the idea of sustainable development is to meet the needs of the modern generation through the rational use of natural resources, which includes the careful and responsible use of natural resources such as water, forests, soils, minerals and energy; creating conditions for the quality of food products that require modernization of agricultural activities and the food industry; implementation of labor safety requirements, which should prevent accidents in the workplace and protect the health of workers.


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