


copyright, legislation on copyright, harmonization of legislation, EU legislation, legislation of Ukraine


In the context of European integration, the issue of harmonization of Ukrainian legislation with EU legislation is constantly raised, in particular in the field of copyright. Harmonization of Ukrainian legislation with provisions of EU legislation is carried out on the basis of directives and regulations of EU bodies. When adapting by means of harmonization through a regulation, there is an exact borrowing of legal norms, while adaptation through directives allows for harmonization at its own discretion, but it must be aimed at achieving a single goal. The purpose of the article is to highlight the general principles of legal protection of copyright in the EU and to carry out an analysis of the current state of Ukrainian copyright legislation in the direction of the implementation of European standards and the implementation of Ukraine's obligations to the EU in the specified area. Research methodology consists of a set of general scientific and special methods, which include: the dialectic method, methods of analysis and synthesis, the method of comparison, the method of generalization. The novelty of the study is manifested in the fact that relevant aspects of the harmonization of Ukrainian copyright legislation with EU law, which have a positive impact on the development of copyright and its protection in Ukraine, were investigated. By considering individual legislative provisions introduced by new laws in the field of copyright, the effect of harmonization of the national legislation of Ukraine on the effectiveness of copyright protection was investigated. The author emphasizes that the process of harmonization is dynamic and active, but the provisions harmonized at the current stage are not yet sufficient to consider the Ukrainian legislation in the field of copyright fully harmonized. Conclusions. According to the conducted research, it was established that the harmonization of copyright legislation of Ukraine with the law of the European Union is an important component of deepening the cooperation of our state with the European Union and its member states. It is on its basis that the necessary prerequisites for the transition to the next stages of integration, including faster accession to the EU, are being created.


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