



state environmental policy, national environmental safety, hazardous waste, state authorities, local governments, public interest, man-made waste, waste management


The purpose of the article is to establish the effectiveness of state legal regulation of hazardous waste management in Ukraine. The research methodology was chosen by the author according to the goals set. The priority methods of scientific knowledge within this study include the use of the structural-logical method, the method of analysis and synthesis, and the method of comparative law. The author finds out that optimization of the waste management regime in general, and in particular with industrial waste, which is defined as “hazardous” for Ukraine and for other countries of the world, does not lose its relevance. It is emphasized that the establishment of appropriate administrative and legal regulation of the use of hazardous waste is a certain component of the environmental safety mechanism. It has been determined that, in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine, environmental safety is an integral part of the national security mechanism, and therefore belongs to the priority tasks of the functioning of state authorities and local self-government. Attention is focused on the fact that the problem of state legal regulation of hazardous waste management should be recognized as a problem that has an intersectoral nature of study, requiring comprehensive research, and taking into account the opinions of scientists working not only within the framework of legal science, but also within the framework of technical and engineering disciplines, economic publications, works to ensure environmental safety requirements. It has been established that, in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine “On Waste Management”, waste is divided into “non-hazardous waste”, that is, waste that cannot be characterized as waste with hazardous properties, which are determined in accordance with Appendix 3 to this legislative act ; and "safe waste". It is concluded that the practical value of the current version of the Law of Ukraine “On Waste Management” lies in establishing a list of hazardous properties of waste. It is concluded that in order to fulfill the requirements of Article 339 of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union, it is necessary to establish a special regime for the management of hazardous waste, related to measures to ensure the effectiveness of European integration processes in Ukraine.


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