waste, protection of consumer rights, consumers, ecology, hazardous waste, legal regulation, specialized state bodies in the field of ecologyAbstract
The purpose of the study is to reveal the protection of consumer rights in the field of hazardous waste management. Main content. The issue of hazardous waste management, its concepts, types, basic principles of state policy in the field of hazardous waste management, and methods of protecting consumer rights are among the debated topics in domestic administrative jurisprudence. Waste is any substances, materials and objects that were formed in the process of production or consumption and have completely or partially lost their consumer character, cannot be used at the place of their formation or detection and from which their owner disposes, intends or is obliged must be disposed of by disposal or disposal. It is defined as a product (product) subject to disposal or disposal by use or disposal. Therefore, the main goal of solving hazardous waste management issues is to protect the environment and human health from the negative impact of waste. However, the lack of legal regulation in the field of hazardous waste management is a problem, which leads, in particular, to the low efficiency of the activities of specialized state bodies in the field of ecology. Therefore, it can be concluded that further research and development of state legislation on this issue is necessary. The author emphasizes that within the framework of ecological modernization in Ukraine, it is expedient to implement the principles of waste management adopted in the EU. Namely, the adoption of the principles of waste management adopted in the EU, reuse (where it is impossible to prevent the generation of waste, maximum reuse of materials), maximum reuse of materials where it is impossible to prevent the generation of waste, improvement and management of the final disposal technology (re use and incineration of waste that cannot be and incineration of waste that cannot be reused or recycled).
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