administrative law, administrative process, administrative procedure, law enforcement, legal regulation, principles, interpretationAbstract
The purpose of the article is to establish the diversity of approaches to determining the relationship between the category "principles of administrative procedures" and "principles of administrative law". The approach to understanding principles as a basis, ideological postulates, the implementation of which can reflect the essence of a certain phenomenon, is universally recognized. It is emphasized that the principles should be considered as a vector for the development of a certain field of social legal relations. The principles reflect the content and essence of the field of law. It was determined that the principles of administrative and procedural law are a component of the system of principles of administrative law. A conclusion was made about the universality of the principles of administrative law, which means their ability to optimally ensure the implementation of public-management legal relations. It was determined that the principles of administrative law should be understood as a set of fundamental principles, ideas, provisions that should be the basis for the formation of public-administrative legal relations, which is a guarantee of observing human rights and freedoms. The author concluded that the principles of administrative procedures are a component of the system of principles of administrative law, while the effectiveness of their implementation depends on the results of law enforcement. It has been established that the principles of administrative procedures determine the basic principles and norms that determine the procedure for conducting administrative procedures, that is, the sequence and method of interaction between authorities and participants of the procedures. The sectoral principles of implementation of administrative procedures include: the principle of the rule of law; the principle of accessibility and comprehensibility; the principle of optimal resolution of the case; the principle of consistency and systematicity: Administrative procedures must be carried out in accordance with a clear order and system. This helps to avoid misunderstandings and ensures stability in the administrative process; the principle of justice and good faith.
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