criminal offenses, staff of penal institutions, typology of criminals, convicted person, antisocial personality, criminal subcultureAbstract
The article deals with the essence of the concept of "crime in penitentiary institutions". The views of criminologists on its interpretation are considered using the comparative and analytical method. Attention is focused on the increased social danger of such a phenomenon as repeated commission of criminal offences by convicted persons serving criminal sentences imposed by a court. The author argues that the existing typologies of criminals in prisons are biased, since they are based on the results of observations and scientific studies of the personality of convicts and do not take into account offenders from among the staff of penitentiary institutions and other persons. Using the logical method of cognition, the authors argue that crime in penitentiary institutions covers the entirety of criminal offences and the perpetrators, including officials of these institutions. Based on the results of the study, the authors propose to divide persons who have committed criminal offences on the territory of penal institution and outside their territory while serving (executing) a sentence into six main types according to the nature of the personality's anti-social orientation: selfish; violent; hedonistic (euphoric); official (official); careless (situational), criminal-subcultural. This grouping of criminals by common features was based on the results of the analysis of the nature of criminal offences committed over the past 20 years in penitentiary institutions and outside them while serving their sentences. The presented typology of criminals will make it possible to adapt and effectively carry out measures of individual prevention of offences, taking into account the characteristics of each type.
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