public property, corporate rights, public interest, legal relationship, state-owned objects.Abstract
The article conducts the main aspects of legislation which provides public corporate rights’ management. The heterogeneity in the delimitation of administrative-legal and economic relations is emphasized because there is no unified scientific approach to such delimitation, and the existing gaps should be eliminated. It is noted that the macro- and microeconomic aspects of public administration determine the existence of the legal regime of corporate rights owned by the state in the authorized capital of economic organizations. For elimination the contradictory aspects of the implementation of the legal regime of corporate rights that belongs to the state in the authorized capital of economic organizations, it is necessary to focus on indicators of effective management of public property, given the direct participation of the state in corporate relations. Ways to improve corporate governance and administrative and legal regulation of corporate rights of the state are considered, the practice of Ukrainian courts in the implementation of the responsibility of public administration in relation to public property is analyzed. Ukraine needs to form an administrative and legal framework that will consider the trends of supranational corporate law for successful entry into the global, European market as a competitive player.
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