


compensation mechanism, reimbursement, war damage, environment, armed aggression, register of damages


The purpose of the article is to identify and analyses certain topical issues of the compensation mechanism for compensation for damage caused to the environment of Ukraine by armed aggression. The author identifies the peculiarities of the legal regime of the national Register of Damaged and Destroyed Property in relation to environmental damage. It is argued that the identification of property and natural resources in the law is not consistent with the constitutional provisions, as well as with the provisions of the Civil and Commercial Codes of Ukraine. In the International Register of Losses, property and environmental damage and losses are classified into different categories (subcategories) of claimants and damaged objects. The author proposes that the methodological approach to the formation of the object circle of environmental and compensation relations should not be based on the identification of property and natural resources, i.e., not on the diversity of the unity of a single object in the Register, but on the unity of the diversity of various objects in it. It is emphasized that Resolution CM/Res (2023)3 provides for the establishment of the ICM as a separate international document, and the inclusion of a claims review commission and a compensation fund in its structure is considered only as a possibility. It is argued that the most problematic at the current stage of ICM formation is the establishment of the Compensation Fund, since the expert community has a dichotomy of positions regarding its content: optimistic – legal grounds for freezing, confiscation and transfer of assets of sanctioned persons, as well as sovereign assets of the Russian Federation, based on decisions of a special international tribunal are available; pessimistic – conventional immunity of the Russian Federation's state assets, absence or imperfection of legal mechanisms for confiscation of private assets. The author analyzes the scientific and legislative positions on ICM of compensation for military environmental damage, and in addition to international issues, this analysis revealed a number of important national issues related to the need to improve and harmonize the legislative regulation of certain groups of substantive and procedural relations. The author substantiates the possibility and expediency, given the military damage caused to the environment of Ukraine, of initiating proceedings under international environmental conventions.


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