environmental policy, sustainable development, implementation mechanism, administrativelegal mechanism, economic-legal instruments, green economy, resource-efficient production, economic activity, environmental protection, public authoritiesAbstract
The purpose of the scientific work is to generalize the scientific approaches to the content and classification of economic and legal instruments of the administrative and legal mechanism for the implementation of the goals of modern regional environmental policy in Ukraine, to determine the goals of the application of such instruments and their functions, and to outline prospective types of economic and legal instruments for introduction in accordance with the adopted strategic documents It was found that the economic and legal instruments of the administrative and legal mechanism for ensuring environmental policy at the regional level perform the following functions: minimization of negative forms of the impact of production and consumption on the environment; formation of an ecologically and economically justified system of payments for the special use of natural resources; economic support for rational nature management and environmental protection; stimulating the development of the «green» economy, resource-efficient production and environmental innovations; planning measures to support biodiversity in local program documents and regional development plans. Under the economic and legal instruments of the administrative and legal mechanism for the implementation of the goals of modern regional environmental policy in Ukraine, it is proposed to understand a set of various means, methods, methods of economic direction used by public authorities in order to ensure resource-efficient, ecologically clean production in the region. The following groups of economic and legal instruments for the implementation of regional environmental policy are distinguished: instruments of a fiscal and budgetary nature; tools for financial and economic stimulation of environmental protection activities; tools related to economic assessment, analysis of the impact of economic activity on the natural environment; tools for setting limits on emissions, on the placement of production and consumption waste; tools related to the inclusion of issues related to the value of biodiversity, green energy, resource-efficient production in local program documents of an economic nature and regional economic development plans.
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