bankruptcy, economic function of the state, state policy, competence, subject of state powerAbstract
The purpose of the article is to establish the content of the effectiveness of state policy in the field of bankruptcy from the point of view of the social and legal characteristics of the functioning of social relations. The author determined that the implementation of the state and regional policy in the field of bankruptcy is a component of the policy in the field of economic relations, which should pursue the state's desire for entrepreneurial growth, based on the socially responsible business segment, as a functional goal. It was established that one of the key problems of the implementation of the state economic policy should be the determination of its high-quality organizational and legal support and the establishment of an effective institutional model for building a system of subjects of power, whose activities are aimed at forming a mechanism for restoring the debtor's solvency or, if necessary, implementing procedures for declaring him bankrupt. Based on the characteristics of the content of the current economic and legal legislation of Ukraine, it was established that the implementation of state policy in the field of bankruptcy should be aimed at creating effective social-economic, organizational-legal and other conditions for restoring the solvency of legal entities – subjects of entrepreneurial activity as a component of the system of guarantees of stable progress of the functioning of societies and the state. It was concluded that the implementation of state policy in the field of bankruptcy, and therefore the implementation of administrative procedures, should comply with the principles, forms and methods of implementation defined by the current legislation, which should be limited to the scope of competence powers granted to the authorities. The essence of state policy in the field of bankruptcy is defined as a certain set of ideas, interests, needs, aspirations of society, which determine the content of the competence of state authorities on issues of promoting the restoration of the solvency of economic entities, which pursues the general goal of social development – ensuring the well-being of the population and guaranteeing social economic progress of society and the state.
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