protection of individual rights and freedoms, control, independence, private executor, publicadministrative legal relations, statusAbstract
It has been established that the introduction of the institution of private enforcement agents is one of the key aspects of the reform of the law enforcement and judicial system in Ukraine. It is emphasized that the functioning of the combined system of enforcement proceedings and the functioning of the institution of private executors is aimed, first of all, at ensuring the effectiveness of the mechanism for the implementation and protection of human rights and freedoms, in particular, in terms of the effectiveness of the judicial form of ensuring subjective public and subjective private rights of the individual. It is noted that with the introduction of the institution of private executors, the issue of establishing their administrative and legal status becomes relevant. It is concluded that at the legislative level the particularly important importance of private performers in the system of protecting individual rights and freedoms is established, which is argued by the presence of increased requirements for candidates for such activities. It is emphasized that the existence of self-government bodies possessed by the system of private executors in Ukraine, namely the Association of Private Enforcers with the corresponding structural units, the Qualification Commission is an argument for intensifying the processes of separating the institution of private executors from public authorities and requires further intensification of the implementation of the internal control mechanism for compliance professional ethics and advanced training, such as the existing practice of obtaining a certificate of the right to practice law, implemented within the activities of the National Bar Association of Ukraine and the qualification and disciplinary commissions of the legal profession.
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