principles of administrative law, principle of equality, public service, public employee, public administration, public interestAbstract
The article analyses the principle of equality in legal regulation during public service. It is indicated that public administration is inherently one of the means of regulating social relations, which, unlike public administration, should be recognised as a more liberal lever of influence on social objects. This quality of the mentioned institution is explained by minimal government intervention in the activities of managed objects and their ability to act within certain limits at their own discretion; The idea of forming legal relations between these subjects based on the principles of partnership, equality of their legal status and mutual responsibility is gaining further practical distribution. An important stage in the development of public administration in Ukraine remains the improvement of the institution of public service, which is based on the foundation of established principles as fundamental ideas. Based on both the system of principles of the public service as a whole, and each principle, a separate response to internal and external challenges that arise before this institution is built. Particularly relevant in Ukraine has become a deep awareness of the challenges of the pandemic, and subsequently the war, in relation to such a principle of public service as the principle of equality. Of course, all the principles of public service work inextricably in unity and in the system and influence each other. It is they who bear the burden of transforming the environment of the institution of public service in modern conditions. It was concluded that equal access to public service is an element of equality before the law. At the same time, exceptions related to the presence of Ukrainian citizenship, the need to speak the state language, reaching a certain age, etc. to enter the public service are objective requirements for the proper implementation of the functions of the public service. Moreover, such requirements are equal for all candidates for public service. In addition, existing challenges have shown that the principles of public service have established themselves as optimal markers of the process of reforming the public service, have resisted the peculiarities of the Ukrainian reality of public service, and have shown the realities of the gap between the principle of equal access to public service and the procedures for its implementation. The most valuable thing was the awareness of the importance of competitive selection and appointment to positions based on merit, so as not to undermine trust and modern competition procedures. The existing features of the public service have become new opportunities for the further development of this institution and highlighted new trends in achieving high professionalism, depoliticization of the selection procedure for professional public service, quality and openness of selection, stability, and professionalism of the public service as a whole. Additionally, the pandemic and the war made it possible to understand the vector of further movement – the relationship between the goals and processes of reform and the stability of the public service as a priority, the ability to support changes in the country. The principle of equality should not be compromised by existing challenges or any other factors.
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