private individual, essence of administrative-legal status, composition of administrative-legal status.Abstract
The article examines the essence and composition of the administrative and legal status of a private individual. It is pointed out that the issue of the legal status of a private individual in Ukraine becomes especially relevant because, on the one hand, there is currently a very complicated superstructure of the public administration system and imperfection of domestic legislation, on the other hand, do not allow citizens and others to effectively exercise their rights. relations with government institutions. Quite a high level of bureaucratization of certain processes of public administration, sometimes low level of professionalism of staff and suboptimal level of administrative services cause problems in the relationship between citizens and public administration. In view of the above, we believe that it will be timely to carry out scientific development of the administrative and legal status of a private individual in the context of recent reforms and restructuring of relations with the authorities. Due to the need to study issues related to the formation of the status of a private individual and the definition of a certain place in the system of subjects of a particular branch of law, the article draws attention to the theoretical foundations of such research. It is concluded that at the present stage there is a change in the priority in the regulation of administrative and legal relations in the direction of optimizing government activities to protect individuals. The service content of the activities of public administration bodies should become the basis for effective cooperation of state (government) institutions with civil society institutions. The ability of a private individual to be an active participant in public administration should be properly enshrined in regulations, as too extensive a system of administrative legislation does not allow to fully ensure the realization of the rights of a particular individual.
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