digitalization, electronic government, informatization, cybersecurity, standardsAbstract
The purpose of the article is to implement the theoretical characteristics of the information provision of the activities of public authorities in Ukraine as a strategy for the development of the state. It has been established that the appropriate level of implementation of the task of digitization of the activities of state authorities and local self-government, the implementation of electronic governance functions and information support of the activities of power subjects is implemented within various social mechanisms, including through the introduction of administrative and legal means. It is noted that the information provision of the activities of the participants in public legal relations takes place within the limits of established legal mechanisms. It was concluded that in scientific publications there is a certain identification of the concepts "information support for the implementation of state functions" and "electronic governance". It is argued that the implementation of information and analytical support of the functions of the state often involves the creation of public electronic registers, which is the basis for the implementation of the tasks of electronic governance. It is emphasized that important changes are taking place in modern society, where information provision increasingly plays a more important role. Since technologies and information processes are developing rapidly, terminology in the field of information provision of public administration bodies can indeed become more complex. It is substantiated that the main elements of information provision of public administration bodies include: information technologies (IT) for processing and storing information, including electronic databases, cloud technologies, software for automating routine processes; protection of information through the development and implementation of security measures to prevent unauthorized access, loss or damage of data, including cyber protection, data loss protection, encryption and other technical and organizational measures; regulatory and legal regulation of information processing and protection issues in public administration bodies, which may include laws on personal data protection, access to information, cybersecurity and other aspects; formation of information processing procedures and standards, in particular, quality standards, ensuring confidentiality and availability of data; staff training and development and staffing to ensure that public administration staff have the necessary skills and knowledge to work effectively with information and understand the importance of data security.
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