reintegration, reintegration mechanism, temporarily occupied territories, de-occupation, human rights and freedoms, rights and interests, health care, realization of rights, martial lawAbstract
The article is devoted to the problem of reintegration of the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine in the humanitarian aspect. It is emphasized that de-occupation and reintegration of the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine requires the development of an effective mechanism for its solution. This mechanism should take into account political, legal, social, humanitarian, economic and other aspects that are closely interrelated. The author emphasizes that the humanitarian aspect of reintegration of the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine should include various measures aimed at ensuring the rights and freedoms of persons residing in the de-occupied territory of Ukraine with a view to their return and adaptation to society. The author concludes that when forming a mechanism for reintegration of the temporarily occupied territories, it is advisable to proceed from the distinction between statecentered (de-occupation) and human-centered (reintegration) components. The main areas that should be taken into account in the reintegration mechanism in the humanitarian aspect include: 1) Restoration and comprehensive protection of human rights, ranging from assistance in their realization to ensuring access to justice for victims of hostilities; 2) Ensuring access to medical and pharmaceutical assistance at all levels, including the restoration of state medical guarantee programs, drug reimbursement programs, etc.; 3) Providing psychosocial support to the affected persons, assistance in social and medical rehabilitation; 4) Restoring social infrastructure and human resources of relevant institutions; 5) Transforming ideological foundations and restoring Ukrainian identity; 6) Involving international organizations to assist in the implementation of humanitarian reintegration.
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