


administrative process, administrative proceedings, regulatory and legal regulation, resolution of legal disputes, public legal dispute, concept, law-making, social relations.


It is emphasized that administrative-procedural relations are the dynamics of social legal relations, are the form in which administrative-legal relations are reflected. It was found that administrative-judicial legal relations are a subsystem of administrative-procedural relations, while acquiring general features of administrative-legal relations. The signs of administrative-procedural legal relations include: the specific sphere of their implementation, which is connected with social relations in the sphere of public authority, and consists in the interaction of private individuals with the bearers of public authority; application as a priority of the imperative method of normative regulation, which is understood as the exclusive application of the principle of equality; the content of the subject structure of legal relations, where the state authority, local self-government body, or other bearer of authority, including state enterprises, institutions and organizations, is necessarily involved; clear procedural settlement of relations; the dominance of the public interest over the private, which should not lead to the oppression of the latter, but should occur in their proper balance; is reflected in the competent content of the activity of subjects of power; the last characteristic is the application of methods and means of administrative coercion and influence in case of non-compliance with the requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine in the field of public-management legal relations. Administrative-procedural legal relations are structurally reflected through such subsystems as: administrative-procedural, administrativedelict, administrative-judicial legal relations.


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