administrative service, content, element, feature, service, state serviceAbstract
The scientific article is devoted to the coverage of services, the ratio of public and administrative services provided in Ukraine. Taking into account the regulatory and legal acts and the state of scientific development, the features of public services are singled out. The authors formulated the concept of public services as the result of the activity of an administrative body regulated by law, which considers the application of an individual or legal entity for the issuance of an administrative act (permit, license, certificate, etc.) aimed at ensuring the rights and legal interests of an individual or legal entity and/or the fulfillment of its provisions the law of obligations. Signs of public services are: public interest, direct initiative (appeal) of an individual and/or legal entity, recognition of the validity of the right to property, territoriality, public notice of state registration of the right, legal character, result – issuance of an individual administrative act (certificate, permit, license , registration decision, etc.), nonfulfilment or improper fulfillment of duties to provide a public service, the responsibility of officials and officials for the results of activities, including. It was emphasized that the regulatory legislation should give the corresponding public body the authority to provide various types of services. For example, certain public services can be provided only by certain authorities defined at the legislative level, unlike other types of appeals, which can be considered and resolved by a wider range of subjects. In order to receive administrative services, the subject of the appeal must fulfill the conditions stipulated by the law. For example, in order to receive a service related to the state registration of property rights to immovable property, certain procedural documents are submitted (an application in the established form, a document certifying the identity of the applicant (passport of a citizen of Ukraine, residence permit of a person living in Ukraine, national, diplomatic or service passport of a foreign citizen or passport of a citizen of Ukraine for traveling abroad), as well as a copy of the registration document), and a copy of the registration number of the taxpayer's registration card according to the State Register of Individuals – Taxpayers).
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