representation, legal regulation, lawyer, defense, interest, administrative courtAbstract
The purpose of the scientific article is to define the concept, types and essence of representation of the citizen and the state in the administrative court. It was found that the establishment of the admissibility of quantitative indicators reflecting the status of a representative is normatively uncertain. It was determined that there are no regulatory restrictions regarding the admissibility and acceptability of the plurality of representatives in the administrative court. It was concluded that representation in an administrative court should be understood as a legal relationship in which one person or a group of persons act on the basis of a contract or law in order to perform actions in the interests of the principal and protect his interests and legal rights that arise, change and are implemented in the public sphere. It is emphasized that the content of the representative's procedural status depends on the status of the principal. It is noted that the representation does not result in the representative receiving personal benefits, except payment for his services, which may be stipulated by the contract or job description or terms of power of attorney. It is substantiated that the presence of representation relations in the administrative court does not deprive the principal of the right to act independently in the judicial review of a public legal dispute. It is emphasized that the representation in the administrative court pursues the goal of ensuring the effective protection of the subjective rights and interests of a person, promoting the most complete realization by a person of the right to protect his rights and interests, that is, the goal of providing quality legal assistance is primarily pursued, which does not exclude the situation of multiple representatives. It is emphasized that the representative's participation in the administrative process must be documented, which determines the specifics of its implementation.
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