regulatory and legal regulation, gambling, legalization, administrative procedures, administrative and legal support, permitting and licensing activities, advertisingAbstract
The purpose of the article is to highlight the experience of regulatory regulation of activities related to the organization and conduct of gambling in Great Britain in order to find directions for its implementation in Ukraine. The current regulatory framework in the UK for both online and offline gambling has been found to impose player protection obligations on gambling companies as a condition of their operating licences, with breaches subject to license restrictions and fines actions on the application of measures of legal responsibility and administrative coercion. It has been determined that most forms of offline gambling in the UK are not subject to legal limits on the amount people can play at one time or in one session, the only exception being slot machines, where stake and prize limits are set by regulation. It has been determined that under current UK legislation there is a requirement to track the strategy and pattern of play followed by a player, which is possible through online gaming operators' access to player accounts; in addition, operators can track a customer's play patterns over time and use the person's real-time data to assess the risk of harm and intervene accordingly, typically using harm detection algorithms. It has been determined that the state regulator in the field of gambling in Great Britain is the Gambling Commission. It is concluded that the regulatory approach established in the UK to prevent the spread of gambling addiction creates effective opportunities for individual protection of players based on an analysis of each individual's circumstances, behavior and choices. The problems of regulatory regulation of gambling in the UK include increasing the efficiency of implementation of measures to minimize the harmful impact on a person's consciousness and prevent harm to the psyche from gambling.
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Corporate Strategy 2024 to 2027
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