civil servant, functional responsibilities, working hours, rationality, efficiency, time management, administrationAbstract
The article is dedicated to the essentiality and the importance of time management in the system of improving the time efficiency for the civil servant activities. The problems encountered by civil servants in daily activities and preconditions for implementing time management are revealed. The genesis of scientists’ views on the category «time management» has been studied. The principles, functions and required steps of use time management in the civil servant activity are considered. Recommendations for the use of time management techniques to increase the effectiveness of government work have been developed. The lack of time problem is the main one faced by the mass of employees, and the correct use of time is the key to successful performance of professional duties, achievement of goals in any field of 185 activity including public administration. Every civil servant as a subject of management strive to perform his professional duties, but the organization of the management process is caused by the high number of situations that need immediate solution (within its competence): consideration of requests, complaints, urgent meetings, etc. In addition to problems with the accomplishment of functional duties, these situations are often associated with a large number of given «from above» various urgent instructions. Civil servants need to constantly adapt plans for solutions of time overloads in their activities: the accomplishment of several tasks at the same time with the same deadline and the same importance. The existing system of sanctions and punishments for deadline non-compliance forces the civil servant to choose between timely or high-quality execution of instructions and slows down the process of considered appropriate management decisions. Also, in many cases inefficient use of working time is associated with insufficient ability of civil servants to set priorities, to plan their activities, to distribute time and human resources. In these conditions, the introduction and use of modern time management technologies, which are used and proven effective in the business environment, becomes especially important. One of the modern ways of improving the effectiveness of working time planning is the use of time management tools in the professional activities of civil servants. The more scrupulously a civil servant plans his activities and prioritizes future tasks, the more important things he will be able to do for some time. Prioritization, determining the importance of problems and tasks will help the civil servant to determine the order of their own actions, to overcome a natural tendency to procrastinate.
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