professional competence, civil servant, public servant of local government, knowledge, techniques, skills, model of training, individual and organizational trainingAbstract
The purpose of the paper is to study and substantiate models of formation and development of competencies of civil servants and public servant of local government in the process of professional training theoretically. An analysis of the research on the issues of professional competence of civil servants and officials of public administration bodies has shown that researchers focus on the conceptual construct and typology of professional competence. The models of formation and development of competence in the process of professional training have not been sufficiently thoroughly investigated, which led to the choice of the area of this research. The most effective models of formation and development of professional competence of civil servants and public servant of local self-government are substantiated on the basis of analysis and synthesis of modern scientific concepts of professional training. The main components of professional competence have been identified. Emphasis is placed on formation and development of conceptual, communication and professional skills, as competence is implemented only in the skills being critical for the practical activity. Models of professional training have been offered. This is recommended for use in educational institutions. The findings can form the basis of further theoretical and applied research related to the study of models of formation and development of competences of civil servants and public servant of local government in the process of professional training.
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