


pharmaceutical industry, regulatory framework, regulatory environment, transparency, interaction with medical specialists


The author has researched that today in Ukraine, the analysis of the regulatory framework and legal environment of the pharmaceutical industry plays an important role. She examines the strengths and weaknesses of this environment and highlights key aspects such as transparency, ethical standards, interaction with medical professionals and international cooperation. It is found that through the analysis of these aspects, the article aims to identify problems and opportunities for improving the regulatory environment of the pharmaceutical industry in order to ensure the quality, safety and availability of medicines for patients. As part of the analysis, some strengths of the regulatory framework and legal environment of the pharmaceutical industry were identified. It is emphasized that there are legal norms and regulations aimed at protecting the interests of patients, quality and safety control of medicines, as well as the development of innovative technologies. Cooperation with medical specialists and international harmonization of standards contributing to the mutual recognition of medicinal products are also important. However, some weaknesses were also identified. For example, the process of registering medicinal products can be complex and costly. There is also a lack of transparency in some aspects of pharmaceutical activity. Advertising control mechanisms need to be improved, and the possibility of conflict of interest needs attention. It was found that in order to further progress and develop the pharmaceutical industry, it is important to focus on strengthening the regulatory environment. This may include simplifying registration procedures, improving transparency and ethics in the activities of pharmaceutical companies, attracting the latest technologies to improve drug research and production processes, as well as strengthening international cooperation and harmonization of standards. It was determined that improving the regulatory environment of the pharmaceutical industry is an important task to ensure effective and ethical pharmaceutical practice that meets the needs of patients and promotes their health and well-being.


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