


public service, public employees, efficiency of public service, personnel management, social factors, professional activity.


The article analyzes the social factors of public service efficiency and proposes an approach to their classification. Objectively defined social factors are considered from the position of their defined hierarchy, which is determined by the level of their influence on the public service. The authors define the highest level of implementation of social factors as general social and prove that the leading general social factor is public opinion, which acts as a measure of compliance of the results of the functioning of the public service with the real needs and interests of citizens. The important role of the moral factor in the formation of a positive attitude of citizens to the activities of state structures is emphasized. The role of social control among general social factors of public service efficiency is highlighted. The influence of the democracy of the public service on the level of its efficiency is emphasized. According to the authors, the most important social factor at the organizational level of the public service should be considered the quality of personnel policy implementation. The personnel management ecosystem ensures the formation of an optimal leadership style, moral and psychological climate in the team, intra-organizational control, professional culture of officials, planning and implementation of official careers, education of a highly moral personality of a public servant, highly responsible for the fulfillment of his professional duty – service to people. The organizational social factors of public service efficiency are considered. The participation of public servants in the development and adoption of management decisions is one of the necessary democratic factors of the effectiveness of public service. It forms in employees a personal interest in the affairs of the work team, high responsibility, conscientiousness, leads to effective decisions, improvement of work organization, elimination of shortcomings, maximum efficiency and expediency of decisions.


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