institutions, coordinates of institutional interactions, institutional interactions, institutial interactions, imperative of simultaneityAbstract
Purpose. The purpose of this work is to analyse the peculiarities of the structuring of the key institutional interactions coordinates in the system of public administration of Ukraine, which determine today the response of such a system to external and internal destabilizing challenges. Actuality. The relevance of the study of the theoretical and methodological foundations of public administration as a purposeful influence of the state on the state and development of social processes and relations with the aim of achieving the goals of implementing the functions of the state through the activities of state authorities is determined by the problem of the rational content of institutial interactions in the public administration system. The course of political and administrative processes in the conditions of the legal regime of martial law, which is the subject of particular areas of research development, deserves special attention. Results. As a result of the research, it was established that in the system of public administration, it is necessary to distinguish between institutional interactions as a process of implementing functional interaction between institutions of the political system and institutial interactions, the analysis of the features of which brings the conceptualization of the obtained conclusions to the level of normative relationships between institutions, for example, the political system and supra-system institutial phenomena – the political system of the nation-state and supra-national governance principles in the European Union. Conclusion. Thus, it was found that the political course regarding the directions of implementation of state power in modern Ukraine can be conceptualized as an imperative of simultaneity – a justified need to implement the processes of institutional interactions in all directions of coordinates at the same time, since they indicate the fulfilment of either critically important tasks of public administration, or valuable, and therefore also urgent. So, for example, first of all, the need to repel armed aggression against Ukraine as a threat to its existence in general causes concern, but membership in the European Union as a civilizational choice of the people of Ukraine also requires necessary reforms.
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