sustainable development, resource provision, limited growth, public administrationAbstract
Conceptual approaches to the interpretation of sustainable development are considered. The author argues that in order to form a new model of public management and administration, to ensure their effectiveness in the context of ensuring sustainable development of territories, an additional analysis of the work of scientists in the study of public management and administration is required. It is shown that the initial concept of sustainable development is based on the idea that the use of resources at the present time should not lead to a decrease in the standard of living of future generations. The dichotomization of interpretations leads to different definitions of sustainable development. The first definition of sustainable development, which dominates the official discourse, can be reduced to the notion of limited economic growth. This approach to development involves two distinct phases. First, a contractual relationship based on environmental criteria must be established. Only then can the standard utilitarian goal of maximizing economic returns be achieved. It is emphasized that further growth, even if planned with environmental considerations in mind, ignores the growing evidence that the economic demands we place on the environment now exceed what the ecosystem can withstand. It is emphasized that the identification of sustainable development with sustainable growth is contradictory, because such an idea contradicts the generally accepted recognition of the existence of "boundary limits" of useful resources. The second definition of sustainability is an approach to resource conservation that emphasizes the conservation of existing and future resources rather than continuous growth. This position builds on the criticisms discussed above and emphasizes the conservation of existing and future resources rather than continuous growth. Here, efforts are focused on minimizing our impact on the environment and the use of natural resources while meeting people's material needs. The protection of natural resources is a clear goal and is put on a par with economic considerations. According to the author, this approach is an acceptable methodological tool for the sustainable development of Ukraine in the context of post-war reconstruction.
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