

hoisting machine, rubber-cable rope, stress-strain state, tangent load, rubber shell rigidity, design parameters.


Purpose. Establishment of dependencies of indicators of a stress-strain state of a shell of composite tractive element – flat rubber-cable rope under the action of tangent loads. Methodology of research is in a construction of a mathematical model and determining a stress-strain state of a shell of composite tractive element under the action of tangent loads using the methods of linear theory of elasticity. Findings. A mathematical model of a stress-strain state of a rubber shell of composite tractive element under the action of tangent loads that occur during interaction with a surface of a driving drum is developed and investi-gated. Dependencies of displacements and stresses in a rubber shell caused by tangent loads on tractive element thickness and cable placement spacing are obtained. Dependencies of sample rigidity when rubber shear modulus is equal to one unit are established. Dependencies of concentration coefficient of tangent stresses on tractive ele-ment thickness and cable placement spacing are obtained. Scientific novelty. Analytical dependencies are established to determine a character of distribution of tangent stresses in an elastic shell of rubber-cable rope, including the cases during a transfer of tractive force from a hoist-ing machine drum. Practical significance. Rational design parameters of a hoisting rubber-cable rope are justified on a basis of established indicators of a stress-strain state of a shell of composite tractive element, while fulfilling a condition of minimization of a concentration coefficient of tangent stresses in a rubber shell. Recommendations for deter-mining a thickness of operating and non-operating parts of a rubber shell of flat composite tractive elements and a cable placement spacing in them are developed.


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How to Cite

Kolosov, D., Onyshchenko, S., Bilous, O., & Tantsura, H. (2023). INVESTIGATION OF STRESS-STRAIN STATE OF COMPOSITE TRACTIVE ELEMENT SHELL UNDER ACTION OF TANGENT LOADS. Electrical and Information Systems, (103), 92–98. Retrieved from