regulatory and legal regulation, principle, administrative procedure, administrative law, abuse of law, moralityAbstract
The purpose of the article is to determine the state of scientific development of the problem of studying the content and essence of the principle of good faith as a principle of the implementation of administrative procedures. It is established that the definition of the system of principles of administrative procedures requires the establishment of the content of the concept of the latter. It is emphasized that the application of administrative procedures is considered as «a set of legal norms that regulate in detail the legal status of executive bodies, local government bodies (their employees), their internal organizational activities, the rules for the implementation of their tasks, functions and duties stipulated by the Constitution of Ukraine and the legislation, including the issue of applying to them for improper performance (failure to perform) of functions, duties, causing harm to a person and society as a result, regardless of the rank of the position, such levers as administrative, criminal, civil and other legal liability». It is concluded that the principle of good faith in the administrative procedure is an important legal category that ensures a balance between the rights and obligations of participants. It is established that the scientific development of the issue of the principle of good faith as a principle of administrative procedures requires the coverage of the analysis of both the ethical foundations of public legal relations and the study of acts of legal regulation and practical application. It is emphasized that the principle of good faith is aimed at preventing abuse of rights, ensuring the objectivity and transparency of decisions of administrative bodies. It is emphasized that compliance with the principle of good faith of administrative procedure requires conscientious behavior from both authorities (impartiality, compliance with the law) and citizens (truthfulness, social responsibility). It is emphasized that the study of the essence of the principle of good faith as a principle of administrative procedure should focus on its harmonization with the principles of justice and proportionality.
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